Festivals 4. Green Montenegro International Film Festival, 4-7 avgust, 2019
4. Green Montenegro International Film Festival,
4-7 avgust, 2019
Žiri: Ana Vučković , Nemanja Bečanovič, Maja Bogojević
Grandprix: Golden fish, African fish
U cinema-verite stilu, uz maestralnu upotrebu filmskog jezika i sa moćnom humanom porukom, film prikazuje ubjedljivo, autentično i potresno eskploataciju ribe kao jedinog izvora života i zarade migranata u Kafountinu, u Senegalu, ali čiji surovi životi na ekstremnoj margini društva utiču na globalno stanje ne samo jednog kontinenta, već i cijele planete.
In cinema verité style, with masterful use of film language, and a powerful humanist message, the film conveys, in a convincing, authentic and touching way, the exploitation of fish as the only source of life and income of migrants in Kafountin, Senegal, but whose poor living conditions at the extreme societal margins exercise a global impact not only on one continent, but on the whole planet.
Ekologija duše - Najbolji film:
Žanrovski smio hibrid sa originalnim autorskim pečatom– počinje kao tragedija, koja se se suptilno pretvara u zabavnu crnu komediju – slika, dirljivo i snažno, posvećenost sina bolesnom ocu, ali i nemogućnosti komunikacije među najbliskijima i bezizlasnost društvene stvarnosti današnje Makedonije.
A bold genre hybrid with an original auteur signature – it begins as a tragedy, which subtly turns into a witty black comedy – conveys, touchingly and poignantly, the dedication of a son to his ill father, but also the impossibility of communication between those closest and futility of the social reality of today’s Macedonia.
Specijalna priznanja (special mentions):
Delirijum tremens
Za veoma ličan i realistično samo-ironičan prikaz autodestruktivnog čovjeka koji se bori sa sopstvenim demonima.
For a moving personal and realistic self-ironic portrayal of a self-destructive man fighting with his own demons.
Između dana i noći
Za moćnu upotrebu filmskog jezika, koji naglašava snažan vizuelni narativ o isprepletenosti ljudskih sudbina.
For its powerful use of film language which highlights a strong visual narrative on intrinsically intertwined human destinies.
Ekologija:-Najbolji film:
The man of the trees (Čovjek drveća)
Izvanredna i dirljiva dokumentarna priča, sa sugestivnim vizuelnim narativom, o bezrezervnoj posvećenosti čovjeka očuvanju životne okoline, o humanosti i požrtvovanosti koje nemaju cijenu.
An extraordinary and touching documentary story, with a highly suggestive visual narative, on one man's unreserved commitment to the preservation of environment, on humanity and priceless sacrifice.
Specijalna priznanja (special mentions):
Tayo Tayo
Topla istinita priča koja, kroz ekološko hodočašće od Rima do Pariza, prikazuje neumornu borbu posvećenih aktivista protiv klimatskih promjena.
A warm true story which, through an ecological pilgrimage from Rome to Paris, depicts the tireless struggle of dedicated activists against climate change.
A Year Along the Geostationary Orbit –(FFW)
Za moćan, hipnotičan prikaz ljepote, krhkosti, ali i katastrofa planete Zemlje, koju prate oči meteorološkog satelita Himawari-8 tokom jedne godine.
For a powerful and hypnotic display of beauties, vulnerabilities and disasters of planet Earth, seen through the eyes of meteorological satellite Himawari-8 for the duration of one year.
Rekvijem za Ćehotinu
Upečatljiv, hrabar i angažovan prikaz ekološke katastrofe koja prijeti Crnoj Gori, sa snažnom ekološkom i humanom porukom.
A poignant, bold and socially-engaging account of ecological disaster looming over Montenegro, with a powerful ecological and humanist message.
Nagrade za glumu: Halldóra Geirharðsdóttir (Žena u ratu), Blagoj Veselinov (Iscelitelj) i Tihomir Stanić (Delirijum tremens)
Halldóra Geirharðsdóttir svojom igrom svakog trenutka budi katarzu- žena kao simbol novog života, zastitnica prirode i heroj postojanja, snažna i krhka u isto vrijeme, stamena i plašljiva. Halldora, glumačka heroina sa izuzetno širokim glumačkim dijapazonom, je i Halldora i Hala koja svojom velikom snagom i suptilnošću postavlja standarde glumca i istinsku ljepotu glume.
Halldóra Geirharðsdóttir awakens catharsis at every moment of her acting – woman as a symbol of new life, protectress of nature and a heroine of existence, simultaneously strong and vulnerable, stoic and fragile. Halldóra, with an incredibly wide spectrum of acting tools, is both Halldóra and Hala who, with her great strength and subtleness, sets high standards for an actor and displays a great beauty of acting.
Blagoj Veselinov (Iscelitelj)
Uz širok spektar emocija i jednostavnost igre sačinjene od unutarnjih lomova, Blagoj Veselinov u filmu Iscelitelj nosi sa sobom veliku patnju koju sa lakoćom igre pretvara u naizgled komično. Igra glumca, čija će nas igra tek zadivljavati, je do krajnosti oprirodjena i njegova ogoljenost kao glumca čini da se u potpunosti poistovjetimo.
Endowed with a wide spectrum of emotions and simplicity of acting, composed of inner intense cracks, Blagoj Veselinov endures a great suffering, which he transforms, thanks to his light play, into seemingly comic elements. Veselinov's acting, set to impress us even more in future works, is impeccably natural and his complete devotion as an actor makes the viewer identify with him to the fullest.
Tihomir Stanić (Delirijum tremens)
Tihomir Stanić, glumac sa velikim glumačkim iskustvom ponovno iznenadjuje i dokazuje da je glumac vječan i uvijek nov. Lik Dagija odigrao je veoma uvjerljivo ne gubeći svoj lični doživljaj istog. Posvećenost i radost igre ogleda se u njegovom oku, njegovoj gestikulaciji i njegovom glasu koji sadrži ton zabrinutog djeteta i razigranog covjeka.
Tihomir Stanić , a veteran actor, does not cease to surprise, proving that the actor is eternal and always new. The character of Dagi is played with virtuosity, without ever losing his own intimacy of the character. Dedication and joy of playing are reflected in his eye, his gestures and his voice, conveying the tone of a frightened child and a bon-vivant adult.