Bog i država su nepobjediv tim; srušili su sve rekorde za opresiju i krvoproliće. Hvala bogu ja sam ateista! Luis Buňuel Tek kad se završi, život dobija smisao; do tada nema smisla; smisao mu je nesigurani, i stoga, dvosmislen. Pier Paolo Pasolini Iskustvo je ono što dobiješ dok tragaš za nečim drugim. Federico Fellini U sadašnjoj globalnoj zdravstvenoj krizi i društvenom karantinu, inauguralni tekst dvo-broja 43-44 Camere Lucide je Jean-Michel Frodonova sjajna analiza krize filmske umjetnosti u doba pandemije izazvane virusom Korone, “Dan kad će svi projektori stati: katastrofalni scenario…”; slijedi još jedna briljantna analiza mnogih filmova koji su se bavili, kroz filmsku istoriju, temama i reprezentacijom izolacije, u tekstu Stevena Yates-a “Izolacionizam u filmu”. Centralni temat ovog specijalnog dvo-broja predstavlja serija mojih intervjua u 50 dana sa 40-ak filmskih profesionalaca iz cijelog svijeta, postavljajući pitanja vezana za uticaj karantina i tzv. “društvene distance” na filmsku umjetnost i industriju. Svi odgovori su originalni, inspirativni, pronicljivi, neki i provokativni, neki duhovitiji od drugih, neki optimističniji, drugi pesimističniji, ali svi vode do nekog zajedničkog zaključka da ova kriza može biti i lekcija za kreatore kulturnih politika o tome koliko je osiromašen, čak i nemoguć život bez kulture i umjetnosti Kao što smo obećali u prethodnom broju, čitaćete na srpsko-hrvatskom prevode sa francuskog jezika, zahvaljujući saradnji Camere Lucide sa Filološkim fakultetom (studijski program: Francuski jezik i književnost) u Nikšiću, njihovim studentima i mentoriki Jasni Tatar-Andjelić, sljedećih tekstova autora Jean-Michel Frodon-a:: “Filmovi o padu berlinskog zida”, “Bilo jednom u Holivudu: nedodirljivi Harvey Weinstein”, “Sjaj i zone sumraka filma Optužujem”, “Gloria Mundi: morbidan ples neoliberalizma”, “Izadorina djeca ili film koji pleše”, kao i intervju sa Christine Boutellier o njenom filmu Geograf i ostrvo, u razgovoru sa Majom Bogojević U rubrici Intervjua, Steven Yates razgovara sa Mariom Lafi o njenom filmu Holy Boom, a ovaj dinamični tekst, takođe, odaje počast i češkoj scenaristkinji i dramaturginji Mileni Jelinek, koja je preminula u Nju Jorku 15. Aprila, još jedna žrtva COVIDa_19. Čitaćete i moj intervju, preveden sa francuskog jezika, sa Christine Boutellier o njenom dokumentarnom filmu Geograf i ostrvo. In memoriam odaje počast Ivanu Passeru i Max von Sydowu, u tekstovima Ronalda Bergana, i Nobuhiko-u Obayashi-ju, u tekstu novog saradnika Camere Lucide - Tettyo Saito-a. Maja Bogojević |
God and Country are an unbeatable team; they break all records for oppression and bloodshed. Thank God I'm an atheist! Luis Buňuel Once life is finished it acquires a sense; up to that point it has not got a sense; its sense is suspended and therefore ambiguous. Pier Paolo Pasolini Experience is what you get while looking for something else. Federico Fellini In the current global health crisis and social lockdown, the opening text of Camera Lucida’s 43-44 double issue is Jean-Michel Frodon’s exquisite analysis of the crisis of film art at the time of Coronavirus pandemic, “The day when the projectors will stop: the catastrophic scenario…”, followed by another brilliant analysis of many films in cinema history that have looked to themes and representations of isolation, in Steven Yates’s “Isolationism in films”. The central theme of this special double issue is constituted by my series of interviews during a 50-day period with 40 + film professionals from around the world, focused on the questions raised by the impact of the social lockdown and so-called ‘distancing’ on film art and industry. All the answers are original, idiosyncratic, inspiring, insightful, to some degree thought-provoking, some are funnier than others, some pessimistic, others more optimistic, but all leading to a common conclusion that this COVID-19 crisis will, hopefully, be a lesson for cultural policy makers on how impoverished or even impossible life would be without culture and arts. As promised in the last issue, you will read in Serbo-Croat translations from French, thanks to Camera Lucida’s collaboration with the Faculty of Philology (Study Programme of French language and literature), Nikšić, their students and their mentor Jasna Tatar-Andjelić, of the following texts by Jean-Michel Frodon:: “Films of the Berlin wall fall”, “Once upon a time in Hollywood: the untouchable Harvey Weinstein”, “The sparkle and shady zones of J’accuse”, “Gloria Mundi: the macabre dance of neoliberalism”, “Children of Isadora or the dancing film”, and an interview with Christine Boutellier on her film The Geographer and the island, by Maja Bogojević In the Interview section, Steven Yates talks to Maria Lafi and her film Holy Boom, the vibrant text that also pays a touching tribute to Czech-born scriptwriter and playwright Milena Jelinek, who had died in New York on 15th April, a victim of Covid-19. Another interview translated from French into Serbo-Croat is with Christine Boutellier on her documentary film The Geographer and the island, by Maja Bogojevic. In memoriam pays tribute to Ivan Passer, Max von Sydow, in the texts by Ronald Bergan, and Nobuhiko Obayashi, in the text by Camera Lucida’s new contributor Tettyo Saito. Maja Bogojević