Mala Educacion
Cinematic Identities...
We cant whitewash
Hollywoods racist past
The horror and the
comedy of genres
Film and mythourgy:
Disney's Snow White
and the Seven Dwarfs
Italian Cinema
With 'The Source" Radu
Mihaileanu Looks at the
Battle of the Sexes
At Cannes, Women With
Diverse Visions
Bergmanizam: između intertekstualnosti i pozitivizma
Ples političkog subjekta u Kotoru
Mala Educacion
Almodovaróva ikonografija
i jezik želje
Neil Jordan: rodne norme i
bijeg od stvarnosti
Moj idealni film - Tajna
Filermosinog dijamanta
Moj idealni film -
Moj otac, moj muž
Moj idealni film -
Someone Like You
Moj idealni film - Look Closer
Rediteljska esplikacija - 3 Iron