Živio sam dovoljno dugo u društvu gdje nije postojala sloboda govora i znam kakvu vrstu bijede to stvara – počevši od činjenice da život postaje vrlo dosadan za ljude koji samo pokušavaju da prežive i tihi su, trudeći se da ne podrže sistem. A razarajuće je za ljude koji govore protiv njega.
Milos Forman Proljećni broj Camere Lucide počinje sa redovnim Lucidnim autorom Jean-Michel Frodonom i njegovim pozivom da obratimo pažnju na sve one filmove iz 2017. godine koji nisu dobili zasluženu pažnju ili su bili nepravedno zanemareni, nakon čega slijedi, takođe Frodonova fantastična analiza, koja demistifikuje subjektivni stav i zabludu da filmovi nisu snimani 1968. godine, otkrivajući značajan broj filmova koji ne samo da su snimljeni u maju 1968. već su majskim krvavim socio-političkim događajima posvetilli opsežan temat. Jean-Michel Frodon potpisuje i iluminirajuće kritike o sljedećim filmovima: Fantomska nit, Paul Thomas Andersona, Trkač, Amira Naderija, Čekajući laste, Kemira Moussaoui-ja, predstavnika novog talasa alžirskog filma, i Na plaži sama noću, Hong Sang-soo. Novak Govedarica je našao vremena da, odmah nakon sopstvenog vjenčanja (uz najljepše želje tima Camere Lucide!), napiše sjajan tekst o pobjedniku Zlatne palme na Kanskom festivalu 2017. – Kvadrat. Još jedan Lucidni redovni autor Jonathan Rosenbaum fokusira se, u rubrici Omaži, na briljantne tekstove o: filmu Thelma i Louise, fascinantan intervju sa umjetnicom Ojom Kodar, muzom Orsona Wellesa i pogled na Godarda u 1990-im godinama. Festivali donose ekskluzivne izvještaje iz Berlina, koji potpisuje Steven Yates, sa Međunarodnog festivala Ismailie u tekstu Maje Bogojević, kao i najavu kroz intervju sa Bojanom Tešićem drugog izdanja novog festivala muzičkog dokumentarnog filma u Nikšiću – Rokumentarnih dana. Mala educacion završava magistarsku tezu Anite Erak's thesis: Drugi pol" od Snežane do Meride – konstrukcija rodnih stereotipa i uticaj na mlađu populaciju u Crnoj Gori. In memoriam odaje počast Stephane-i Audran, Davidu Ogdenu, Nelson Pereira dos Santosu i Milosu Formanu u tekstovima Ronalda Bergana, pozdrav Johnny-ju Halliday-u Jean-Michel Frodona, Vittorio Tavianiju, Ermano Olmiju i Jeleni Žigon. Maja Bogojević |
I lived long enough in a society where freedom of speech was nonexistent, and I know what kind of misery that creates - starting with the fact that life becomes very boring for people who just try to survive, and are quiet, and try not to buck the system. And, of course, it can be devastating for people who try to speak against it. Milos Forman The spring issue of Camera Lucida begins with the Lucid regular Jean-Michel Frodon's call to attention all films in 2017 which did not get the attention they deserved or were unjustly overlooked, following with another Frodon's illuminating analysis, which demystifies the subjective and often misleading attitude that there were no films made in 1968, revealing a significant number of films not only created during the May of 1968, but also tackling this turbulent socio-historical moment as its subject matter. Jean-Michel Frodon also writes the in-depth critiques on the following films: the controversial The Phantom Thread, by Paul Thomas Anderson, The Runner, by Amir Naderi, Until the birds return, by Kemir Moussaoui, as the representative of the new Algerian film wave, and On the beach at night alone, by Hong Sang-soo. Novak Govedarica found the time, immediately after his own wedding (with the best wishes from the Camera Lucida team!), to write an insightful essay focusing on the 2017 Cannes winner of Palme d'or, Square. Another Lucid regular Jonathan Rosenbaum features in Hommages section his brilliant texts on: Poetry in Motion: Thelma and Louise, a remarkable video interview with artist Oja Kodar, Orson Welles' muse, and a look at Godard in the nineties. Festivals section brings festival reports on Berlin festival in an exclusive report by our regular great Steven Yates, Ismailia International Film Festival by Maja Bogojević and announces a new Rockumentary Festival to be held in Niksic in an interview with Bojan Tešić from the organisation of Rockumentary Days. Mala educacion continues Anita Erak's thesis: Second sex from Snowhite to Merida – construction of gender stereotypes and the impact on youth in Montenegro. In memoriam pays tribute to Stephane Audran, David Ogden, Nelson Pereira dos Santos and Milos Forman by Ronald Bergan, Johnny Halliday by Jean-Michel Frodon, Vittorio Taviani, Ermano Olmi and Jelena Žigon. Maja Bogojević