

    maja»Atmosfera! Atmosfera! Ličim li ja na atmosferu?«

    (Arlety u Hotel du Nord, 1938)

    Ako je, usred priprema za novi fejslift, Ajfelova kula »najstarija filmska zvijezda od svih«, kako je opisuje Ronald Bergan u svom istoimenom, inauguralnom tekstu nove Camere Lucide, Montenegro Filmski Festival Mediterana – MOFFEM je najmladji filmski festival od svih. Smješten u lijepom i dramatičnom mediteranskom Kotoru, a pokrenut zahvaljujući malom internacionalnom timu sinefila u septembru 2012, ovaj mladi filsmki festival bi mogao, nadamo se, postati novi filmski simbol Sredozemlja ili »sâm Kotor, metonimijom«, kao što je Ajfelova kula, po Barthesovim riječima, »Pariz, metonimijom«.

    Posvećujući novi dvobroj »najmladjoj filmskoj zvijezdi od svih« - 1. izdanju MOFFEMa-u Cameri Lucidi čitaćete festivalske izvještaje, od Berganove kritike Marc Cousinsovog filma Šta je film nazvan ljubav, do intervjua Miroslava Minića i Nevene Matović sa festivalskim gostima: Jan Cvitkovič, Nemanja Bečanović i Petar Nikolić. Više o prikazanim filmovima, festivalskim pobjednicima i nagradama naći ćete na www.moffem.org.

    Drugi segmenti Camere Lucide obiluju temeljnim, pronicljivim i provokativnim filmskim analizama. Igor Toholj definiše različite estetike filmske montaže u Subverziji klasične filmske montaže; Aleksandar Bečanović otkriva, strukturalno kadar po kadar, mnoga lica Hitchocockove Marnie.

    Objavljen je i prvi dio magistarske teze (na italijanskom) Ivane Mrvaljević Montenegro Film Commission i rediteljska eksplikacija Umjetnika u tekstu Vuka Markovića, Mala educacion.

    In Memoriam odaje počast jednom od najvećih i najinovativnijih filmskih autora, Chris Markeru.

    Uživajte u broju 10 Camere Lucide!


    Maja Bogojević


    "Atmosphere! Atmosphere! Est-ce que j'ai une gueule d'atmosphère?"

    (Arletty in Hotel du Nord, 1938)

    If, in the midst of its preparation for a facelift, the Eiffel Tower is "the oldest film star of all", as Ronald Bergan claims in his eponymous and opening text of the new Camera Lucida, Montenegro Film Festival of the Mediterranean – MOFFEM becomes the youngest film festival of all. Set in the beautiful and dramatic Mediterranean town of Kotor and launched by a small international team of cinephiles in September 2012, this young film festival can, hopefully, become a new film symbol of the Mediterranean, or "Kotor by metonymy", by analogy to Barthes' reference to the Eiffel Tower as "Paris by metonymy".

    Dedicating its new double issue to the "youngest film star of all" - the first MOFFEM edition, Camera Lucida provides the festival coverage, from Bergan's review of Marc Cousins' What Is This Film Called Love?, to Miroslav Minic and Nevena Matovic's interviews with festival participants: Jan Cvitkovic, Nemanja Becanovic and Petar Nikolic. More on the films screened, festival winners & awards can be found on www.moffem.org.

    The other sections of Camera Lucida generously offer detailed, profound and thought provoking film analyses. Igor Toholj discusses the diverse aeshetics of film montage in his illuminating Subversion of Classical Film Montage, while Aleksandar Becanovic uncovers, structurally shot by shot, many faces of Hitchcocks's Marnie.

    There is also a fragment of Ivana Mrvaljevic's M.A. thesis on Montenegro Film Commission (Part 1) and a directorial analysis of The Artist by Vuk Markovic in Mala educacion.

    In Memoriam pays tribute to one of the greatest and most innovative film authors, Chris Marker.

    Enjoy Camera Lucida's no 10!


    Maja Bogojevic

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